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Our Mission


1) Provide a network and range of resources for the professional and academic development of a young generation of students interested in pursuing science or engineering


2) Create a linkage between Korean-Canadian university students across Canada, through AKCSE projects


3) Assist students through academic and/or professional support, scholarship offers, mentorship programs and networking opportunities


4) Build partnerships and a collaborative atmosphere with external organizations to promote Korean culture through involvement in science and engineering studies and group activities, academically and socially



Audiovisual Conference

재캐나다한인과학기술자협회 (재카과협)는 1986년 캐나다동포사회에 과학의식을 고취시키고, 2세들의 이공계분야의 진출을 돕는 동시에, 모국과 캐나다의 연구협력의 가교역할을 수행할 목적으로 설립된 비영리 단체입니다.
재카과협이 주관하는 사업은 매년 2월경 참가자 모집공고를 거쳐, 이공계 대학 및 대학원생을 선발하여 7월경 한국에 파견하는 YG-Forum 사업, 매년 가을 (9월경) 장학생 선발 및 장학금수여, 한국정부의 Brain Pool사업의 캐나다 측 창구임무 수행, 호암상 등 각종 포상대상자 추천, 한국 정부의 과학기술관련 국제 프로젝트의 캐나다 측 신청자의 일차 심사 업무수행, 매년 협회의 본부가 수행하는 교민을 대상으로 한 과학 기술 세미나 외에서 전국 10개 지부에서 수행하는 지부행사 (세미나, 피크닉 등등) 이 있습니다.

Our Story

Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE), established in 1986, is a Non-Profit Organization created to foster scientific involvement in Korean-Canadian community. The organization serves to support 1st to 2nd generation’s development as scientific leaders across Canada and promote collaboration amongst Canadian communities. 

Throughout its history, AKCSE has been established into much wider community, community which branched off across many unversities in Canada.  There are now more than 10 universities that are involved with AKCSE such as, U of T, UBC, SFU, Ottawa, and etc. In hope to expand AKCSE community and unify Korean-Canadian scientists and engineers, AKCSE@McMaster have been newly established this year (2013) as a sub-branch of AKCSE. AKCSE actively promotes opportunities to current scientists and engineers (and students). Examples include the Young-Generation Forum (YGF), KCSSF award, Seminas, CKC (Canada-Korea Conference), seminars, and many more.

Morning Paper

AKCSE@McMaster aims

to establish the AKCSE (Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers) school chapter to provide Korean-Canadians opportunities to connect with students from other universities and institutions across the nation. Through this university chapter, students will be directly linked to one of Canada’s largest Korean-Canadian organization through the exposure of summer forums, research competitions, internship placements and a variety of other opportunities.


AKCSE is currently in the

process of establishing university chapters across Canada. Many chapters have already been established (e.g. University of British Columbia, University of Ottawa, University of Ryerson, Simon Fraser University, and more). AKCSE university chapters aim to bring unity and collaboration amongst the Korean-Canadian students across Canada and foster leadership qualities.


The focus of this

organization is to foster leadership and interpersonal relationship skills to students specializing in the areas of science and engineering while encouraging contributions towards society.


AKCSE, unlike any other

Korean-Canadian academic

groups, aims to establish a

strong network between and within universities. AKCSE@McMaster is a platform for Korean-Canadian students (in science and engineering) at the university to collaborate and foster leadership qualities, while contributing to the society. The organization will enable for network development, personal and leadership development, social interaction and more.  AKCSE@McMaster will provide opportunities for students to collaborate beyond their university, and directly link the students to various opportunities that AKCSE has to offer.


Is AKCSE@McMaster

culture-specific (exclusive)?

No. AKCSE@McMaster aims to bridge the gap between Korean and Canadian culture. Many of the Korean-Canadian communities are segregated from the overall community. Through leadership in science and engineering, we aim to cross the cultural boundaries and foster positive interactions.


Conferences and events

from AKCSE will be held in conjunction with other university chapters to gather new ideas, open up the networking field and foster connections among the young generation. AKCSE@McMaster is not exclusive to those with Korean-Canadian backgrounds and will be open to anyone at McMaster who is interested and willing to get involved with the organization


Why Should I Care About

External Connection/Collaboration? There exist many Korean-Canadian students throughout universities, and most are scattered throughout each campus. AKCSE executives and we believe in the power of collaboration and supportive system within the Korean-Canadian community. Through web of connections through AKCSE, students will be exposed to range of information and opportunities (beyond McMaster).

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